First Friday Post _ March Edition

Volunteer Updates & Opportunities

Jungle Trails is looking for Keeper Assistants

If you are a current Volunteer, intern or Americorps Member, and interested in a possible Keeper Assistant Position, Jungle Trails might be the spot for you. Click on the link below to learn more about the requirements for the position.

Click Here to Learn More and Apply


Stuffed Animal Clinic coming to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

I am so excited to share news about a project I have been working on over the past few months! On Tuesday, June 11th, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden will be inviting visitors to bring their favorite stuffed animals in for a check up, or a sick visit that would require minor surgery (ex. sewing up a hole).

The purpose of the Stuffed Animal Clinic will be to create an experience that will connect visitors with the remarkable work of our Animal Health team, showcase how to support local wildlife and maybe even calm some fears of the doctor for our youngest visitors.  This initiative not only promises a unique and creative experience for our visitors but also provides a platform for adult volunteers to actively contribute to our zoo community.

The best part is…THIS WILL BE AN ADULT VOLUNTEER LED EVENT, and there are several ways to get involved. Check out the different ways you can sign up to be a part of this event!

Click Here to Sign Up for the Well Visit Support Volunteer Positions

Click Here to Sign Up for the Sick Visit Surgeon Volunteer Positions

Click Here to Sign Up to receive emails about Donation Requests

Zoo Updates

2 Days Left to Vote

Click Here to Vote for the Zoo

Click Here to Vote for the Botanical Garden


New Lion Live Feed


ZooTales Podcast

Learn all about the elusive and endangered okapi from keeper Renee! This beautiful and rare species has so many unique adaptations and Renee is here to teach you all about them!


Fiona and the Reds in the Wall Street Journal


Elephant Trek Progress


New Base Camp Spring Menu


Erkenbrecher Lot (across from the Education Lot) Closed Next Week (3/4-3/8)

Next week there will be some drilling to set the columns in the Erkenbrecher lot therefore the lot will be CLOSED from Monday-Friday. This lot will also be covered in solar panels later this summer! The lot will be open for the weekend and be available until later in the summer when the work fully begins. 

The Education service drive will be closed all day on Wednesday the 6th to move the elephant crate from the JT service drive up to the old elephant house.  The gate, parking and roadway will be closed all day. The Education guest entrance will be available. 

Plant & Animal Updates

Little Blue Penguin News

Welcome to the world little blue penguin chick.


February 23rd – Frunobolax is 2!


Juno Update

Juno the baby sloth got a new jungle gym to play on. She got herself into some pretty funny positions.


African Painted Dogs

We think the African painted dogs are pawsome! African painted dogs are one of the most successful hunters in all of Africa, catching prey 70 to 90 percent of the time.


Symposium Tickets for Sale


Mokonzi Update


Fennec Fox


February 25th – Donnie’s Birthday


Did You Know


February 20th – Happy Birthday Zola


Goliath Beetles

Conservation Corner

February 27 – International Polar Bear Day

We partner with @PolarBears as an Arctic Ambassador Center to help save polar bears & their habitat. Make every day Polar Bear Day by trying energy-saving practices like adjusting your thermostat a couple degrees!


Barrows Conservation Series Tickets on Sale


Improving Oak Survival


Emissions Reporting

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden enlisted Verdis Group to evaluate our organizational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Verdis accounted for emissions from Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), and refrigerants. Each of these are converted to metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (MtCO2e) for value consistency.

Continue reading to learn more about the importance of emissions reports and Cincinnati Zoo’s next steps!

What is it?

Emissions are categorized into scopes 1, 2, and 3 so the organization of direct or indirect emissions is easier to understand

Scope 1 Emissions

  • Direct GHG emissions that occur from sources controlled/owned by an organization.
    • i.e. emissions associated with fuel combustion in boilers, furnaces, or vehicles.

Scope 2 Emissions

  • Indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, cooling, etc.
    • Physically occur at the facility of generation but are accounted in GHG inventory because they are a result of energy use.

Scope 3 Emissions

  • All indirect emissions (non-scope 2) that occur in the reporting organization’s value chain. Results from activities not owned/controlled by the organization.
    • Includes ALL sources not within scope 1 or 2 boundary.
    • Equivalent to scope 1 and 2 emissions of another organization.
    • Difficult to track or identify.

Why is it important?

  • Emissions reports allow us to identify areas where pollution levels are high and then take appropriate action to reduce emissions.
  • They also provide data to evaluate how effective existing organization regulations and policies are. 
  • Once this information is understood, Cincinnati Zoo can better manage our carbon footprint and reduce costs.

Our Results

This recent report yielded the following results:

  • In 2021, CZBG emitted 10,844 metric tons of CO2 equivalents.
    • This is equal to the carbon emitted from 2,413 cars in one year!
  • Top emissions sources include purchased electricity, natural gas (heating), and procurement.
  • As CZBG phases out fossil fuel use, scope 3 emissions become our majority impact.

Moving Forward

We will use this information to:

  • Continue reporting and analyzing data with Verdis Group.
  • Create an Emissions Drawdown Roadmap with Verdis.
  • Calculate the Zoo’s positive and regenerative impact through tracking metrics associated with our community solar projects and carbon sequestration efforts.
  • Plan for increasing local procurement and sustainable food systems development.

One way Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden continues to reduce emissions is by increasing reliance on renewable energy!


Saving the Cumberland Sandwort

Volunteer News

Jim, Habitat Ambassador Volunteer, brought a little bit of the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden to the Falkland Islands! Check out all those Penguins! Thanks for the Photo!

If you have any photos to share, e-mail them to me so I can feature them in the next update!

In Case You Missed it

Open Volunteer Opportunities:

There are several department who are recruiting new Volunteers for the upcoming 2024 season! If you are interested in adding to your volunteer resume, or looking to make a change, check out the new volunteer opportunities below. Click on the Applications do be redirected to the forms.