First Friday Volunteer Update _ 1/5/2024

Thanks for a Great 2023!

Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe that 2023 has come to an end and 2024 has begun. In the first update of the year, I like to acknowledge the Logged Hour and Year’s of Service accomplishments of our Volunteers who served the Zoo this past year.  I am so honored for the chance to Celebrate all of you!

Logged Hour Recognitions

In 2023 our volunteers logged over 96,000 hours! This is the equivalent of adding 20 additional Full-Time Staff members to the team. What an incredible feat and I speak for the entire Zoo when I say “WOW, what would we do without you!”

100-199 Logged Hours

Jose B.
Gail B.
Wayne B.
Deanna B.
Mary B.
Lauren B.
Terri B.
Marcia B.
Larry B.
Kirsten C.
Susi C.
Alan C.
Kathy C.
Kathy C.
John C.
Barbara D.
Pam D.
Jan D.
Pat D.
Pam D.
Debbie D.
Teagan D.
Dennis E.
Kathy F.
Don F.
Trey G.
Mary G.
Celine G.
Jenna G.
Sheryl G.
Michael G.
Sue G.
Chris H.
Robin H.
Tricia H.
Hannah H.
Erica H.
Irene H.
Esther H.
Traci K.
Tyler K.
Lois L.
Anne L.
Pam L.
Kristine L.
Debbie L.
Donna M.
Patrick M.
Scott M.
Tom M.
Linda M.
Dale M.
Barb N.
Martha N.
Cathy O.
Linda P.
Roberta P.
Michael P.
Nan P.
Mary P.
Jack R.
Meg R.
Jerry R.
Jan R.
Carol S.
Jess S.
Eli S.
Shari S.
Craig S.
Chris S.
Sue S.
David V.
Mariana V.
Marge W.
Mark W.
Arlene W.
Lorraine W.
Martha W.

200-299 Logged Hours

JoAnne A.
Paul B.
Myra B.
Jeannie B.
Gay B.
Katie C.
Christine C.
Linda Co.
Linda Cr.
Jackie D.
Mark D.
Linda F.
Mallory F.
Ginny F.
Bill G.
Sylvia H.
Nancy H.
Judy Hi.
Judy Ho.
Bill L.
Ann M.
Debbie M.
Joe M.
El M.
Judith N.
Randy P.
Sadie P.
John R.
Jan R.
Sue R.
Roz S.
Jasmine S.
Janet S.
Judy S.
Peggy S.
Rose V.
Dine V.

300-399 Logged Hours

Becky B.
Mike C.
Ann D.
Kaitlin G.
Kathy G.
Deb H.
Karen J.
Janet M.
Kathy N.
Michele P.
Judy P.
Karen T.

400-499 Logged Hours

Janet B.
Nancy M.
Yvonne D.
Dave S.
Linda H.
Melina M.
Pat M.
Tina B.
Megan B.

500+ Logged Hours

Greg B.
Mike B.
Ken B.
Raven C.
Erin D.
Barbara D.
Nancy H.
Maria H.
Debbie H.
Lisa H.
Ethan M.
Jen M.
Katelyn P.
Tracey S.
Philip S.
Rachael S.
Linda S.
Noah S.
Kim V.
Mary Lou Z.

Years of Volunteer Service

We are so lucky to have each and every one of you on our team, Thank you!  In the table below you will find a list of the volunteers who hit 5 year milestones this year.

5 Years of Service

Debbie D.
Donna E.
Dennis E.
Joyce F.
David G.
Judy H.
Esther H.
Debbie K.
Debbie L.
Scott M.
Lynn M.
Kirby R.
Jen S.
Veronica S.
Samuel S.
Reagan S.
David V.
Rose V.
Tonya W.
Miranda W.
Lorraine W.
Martha W.
Sarah Z.
Mary Lou Z.

10 Years of Service

Angela B.
Lynn B.
Ken B.
Jeannie B.
Becky B.
Kirsten C.
Judi C.
Alan C.
Yvonne D.
Mark D.
Amy F.
Mallory F.
Steve Frazer
Stephanie H.
Tricia H.
Larry H.
Rosemary H.
Sandi K.
Lee L.
Connie L.
Terri L.
Ann M.
Jim M.
Mary M.
Jen M.
Susan M.
Kathy N.
Kathy P.
Debbie S.
Karen S.
Jo S.
Eli S.
Linda S.
Linda T.
Arlene W.
Sydney W.

15 Years of Service

Janet B.
Gay B.
Linda C.
Tom D.
MaryAnn F.
Roz F.
Karl G.
Toni H.
Doug I.
Linda M.
David M.
Judith M.
Barb N.
Mark P.
Nan P.
Joyce R.
David S.
Mary Jo V.

20 Years of Service

Robert F.Sandra M.Roberta P.

45 Years of Service

Judy S.

Was your name listed above? We would love to recognize your service with a small token of our appreciation…a Recognition Pins! If you would like to receive your pin, please fill out the request form below.

Click Here to Request Your Recognition Pin

*If you feel that there has been an error in the logged hours or years of service calculations, please complete the form and write a note in the additional comments field at the bottom of the form.

Volunteer Housekeeping

Year-End Wrap Up:

We would love to hear from you about your Volunteer Experience in 2023.  For the next month we will have a survey available for all active volunteers so that we can hear your voice.  Click on the link below to complete the survey.

Click Here for the Volunteer Program Evaluation Survey


Volunteer Refresher:

Refresh Yourself:

Do you need a refresher on the benefits of being a Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden volunteer, or other policies and procedures? I have included a digital copy of our Volunteer Handbook, feel free to click the link below to learn more.

Click Here to review the Volunteer Handbook

If reading over the handbook cover to cover isn’t something that you want to do, but you still would like a refresher, I would be happy to welcome you to a New Volunteer Orientation. Please reach out to me by e-mail or phone for additional information.


Animal Area Volunteers:

Zoonotic Training

Since it is a new year, it’s time for all CZBG volunteers in an animal areas to complete the Zoonotic Training.  Below you will find a link to the training video.   The video is 24 minutes in length, so please plan accordingly to complete it in one sitting.

Click Here to Watch the 2024 Zoonotic Training Video

   Once you have watched the video, you will need to complete the acknowledgement form so I can get your records updated in the system.  Please complete the training and the acknowledgement form by 1/15/2024.

Click Here for the Acknowledgement Form

*If you are a volunteer who is not in an animal area, you are still welcome to review the video and complete the acknowledge form but it is not required.

TB Test

If you received your TB Test through the Zoo in January, it is almost that time again. The Human Resources department is working on setting up some on site testing and I will share additional information soon.

Zoo Updates

A Thank You from CREW


Last Weekend for FOL

Can you believe it is already the last weekend for Festival of Lights?

It’s the last few days of the Festival of Lights and we were chosen as the top event for this weekend by The Cincinnati Enquirer!

Click Here to Read More


We Made the List!

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden has been on many amazing lists over the years, but this is a new one even for us! This year we made the list for DHL’s most unusual deliveries! To read more, click the link below.

Click Here to Read More


Elephant Barn Tour with Thane and Cecil


Construction Updates

It is that time of the year where we take advantage of the lower crowds and make some headway on some of our bigger construction projects. If you plan on coming to the Zoo over the next couple months things might look a little different. Heavy construction will mobilize on January 15th and starting around January 22, we will be closing the Mai Tai Marketplace’s Main Loop and a detour route for foot traffic will head through Wings of Wonder.  The construction area will then fully expand further up Insect Hill.

The plan at this point is to work to allow Zoo Access across Mai Tai around Valentine’s Day (February 14) and restore full zoo/pedestrian access by March 15. As always, these plans are fluid so there may be addition adjustments of changes to the timeline.


Meet Marta


ZooTales Podcast

Great Sumatran rhino news! On 11/25/23, a male calf, sired by Cincinnati Zoo’s Harapan, was born! Hear more from Dr. Roth & Paul R. from the Cincinnati Zoo about this story of hope:

( Photos courtesy of the Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry)


Penguin Days are Here

Plant & Animal Updates

Goodbye to Shakira

Below is a sweet message shared by Jenna Wingate, Senir Keeper – Africa

We recently said goodbye to the matriarch of our meerkat mob, Shakira. Shakira has been a part of the Cincinnati Zoo mob since moving here at 7 months old in March of 2015. She lived to be just over 9 years old, which is average life expectancy for a meerkat, but we all wish we could have had many more years with her.

Shakira was always a very confident meerkat that did great for training with things like voluntary nail trims and vaccinations, and weights. She targeted to a pink heart shaped target and she even learned to weave through poles like you see in dog competitions. She was clearly the boss of the boys and very close to her litter mate Mark. We love you and miss you Shakira, rest in peace sweet girl.


A New Baby Okapi is here!


Elephant Fun!

Young male elephants Kabir (6) and Sanjay (5) go trunk to trunk! Over 100,000 muscles of the face, nose, and upper lip combine to form the elephant’s trunk.



High five for Sugar the river otter! The river otter is famous for its playful antics – mud sliding, water sports and manipulating objects – which increases coordination and sharpens hunting skills.


Good morning Starbuck!

The black-breasted leaf turtle is one of the world’s smallest turtles. This primarily terrestrial turtle blends in with leaf litter on the forest floor. Like a chameleon it can move its eyes independently which could provide an advantage when pursuing prey


Two Cute Chicks

Two little blue penguin chicks hatched at the end of 2023! After a quick check-up with vet staff, they are both healthy and back with mom and dad!


Kongo Celebrated his 25th Birthday!

Conservation Corner

Have you Heard about our Coexistence Impact Fellowship Program?


Sad News from the Congo

A truly special gorilla, Kingo, has passed away.  He was the first western lowland gorilla ever habituated in the wild and, by allowing scientists to study him and his group, gave the world a wealth of knowledge about his species.  He was in his late 40s and was part of the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project for most of his life.  Cincinnati Zoo has supported this project for decades and visited Kingo and the other habituated troops in 2018. The Cincinnati Enquirer documented the visit.  The story includes photos and video of Kingo and his family. Where the Gorillas Live: The Cincinnati Zoo journeys to the Congo

Cincinnati Zoo will continue to support the important research happening in the Goualougo Triangle, which now includes 3 habituated gorilla groups.

Other project partners include WCS and Lincoln Park Zoo.  Read more about Kingo’s life from project co-founder Dave Morgan (from LPZ). – Kingo: Immortalizing a Gorilla Legend | Lincoln Park Zoo (


Sustainability Starts a Hydroponic Farming Pilot Project!

The Sustainability department is happy to announce that we are kicking-off 2024 with a container farming pilot project! These farms will exist in shipping containers as a way to locally and sustainably grow produce for Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden herbivores. Two 40 ft. long Freight Farm shipping containers will be delivered January 8th near the City Barn office for easy access by Sustainability and Facilities. 

Harvest is not expected until March, so read below to get excited! (but until our Marketing team publishes the official press release, please refrain from sharing publicly)

What are Freight Farms?

  • A Freight Farm (FF) is a vertical, hydroponic farm built inside a shipping container.
  • Hydroponics refers to a farming method that submerges plant roots in nutrient rich water, not soil.
  • This is Controlled Environment Agriculture, which alters growing conditions to maximize product quality and yield.
    • FFs specifically use hydroponics, indoor grow lights, and climate control to grow produce.
  • Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has an established hydroponic farming program that inspired our pilot project! (Find more images and information below)

What are the impacts of traditional agriculture?

  • Accounts for nearly 10% of U.S. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions due to crop cultivation, soil management (i.e. fertilizer application), livestock digestive processes, and manure management.
  • Most agricultural states grow non-native produce causing a reliance on fertilizers & pesticides, depleted soils, and increased resource use.
    • Amplifies drought threats in SW U.S. and Mexico.
  • Most foods are transported long distances, emitting GHGs and requiring energy for cold storage.
    • The average head of lettuce travels 1,800 miles!
  • Controlled environment systems allow employees more flexible work hours and conditions.

Program Overview

  • Facilities/Sustainability has hired Zack Burns to manage the program and be the primary hydroponics technician.
  • Mitch Rawson from our Horticulture team will be supporting Zack in all tasks related to growing produce and operating the farms.
    • Mitch graduated from Iowa State University this past May with a degree in Horticulture and an emphasis on greenhouse plant production. After graduating he joined the horticulture department at the Zoo working on the nursery and greenhouse team.
  • This is a collaboration among Facilities, Commissary, Horticulture, and Animal departments. We will mostly grow romaine lettuce to supplement the giraffe feed program, some kale to supplement the manatee program, and surplus produce can then be distributed to additional animal departments.
  • Program expansion could allow for:
    • Potential to grow other varieties of fruits and vegetables.
    • Increase in fresh, local produce for Zoo animals and guests.  
    • Ability to share produce with our community and partners.

Meet Zack!

Zack previously worked at the Zoo from 2015-2018 on the Wild Encounters team. He most recently comes from 80 Acres Farms, where he worked in controlled agriculture and vertical farming for the last 6 years. At 80 Acres he served as a Grower, taking care of the plants, and as an Operations Manager, overseeing day-to-day operations.


Coexistence Partner Webinars

These partners will present their projects, wildlife, communities, and conservation aspirations followed by a Q&A, where our partners will take questions from our CZBG community. Feel free to tune in from anywhere. These webinars are a chance to learn the stories of the conservation work the Zoo supports so you can share with our visitors and be advocates for the good work happening around the world. 

‘23-’24 Webinar Schedule

AMLD/ Save the Golden Lion Tamarin – Luis Paulo Ferraz

  • Thursday, January 9, 2024 at 11am
  • Key topics: Golden lion tamarins, reforestation, sustainable livelihoods
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 897 2347 0857 and Passcode 816003

Tusk Trust – Bernadette Clemens & Rose Hancock Pook

  • Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 11am
  • Key topics: Wildlife Ranger Challenge, a campaign that connects rangers from 24 African countries
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 822 1448 1140 and Passcode 359290

Friends of Bonobos (Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary) – Candor Bourne

  • Wednesday, January 24 at 11am
  • Key topics: Bonobo habitat protection, reducing threat of wildlife trade, community engagement
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 856 2962 1232 and Passcode 676653

SORALO – Mercy Waithira

  • Tuesday, February 6 at 11:30am
  • Key topics: Coexistence, pastoralism, African predators
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 878 3271 2536 and Passcode 620935

International Elephant Foundation (IEF) – Julie Bates and Sarah Conley

  • Thursday, February 14 at 12am
  • Key topics: elephants, Sumatra, Conservation Response Units (CRUs)
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 822 1448 1140 and Passcode 359290

The Ohio Bat Lab– Dr. Joe Johnson, Ph.D.

  • Wednesday, February 21 at 12pm
  • Key topics: Native bats, local conservation, bat-human conflict
  • Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 819 7944 5283 and Passcode 468822

Madtree Brewing & 1% for the Planet– Rhiannon Hoeweler

  • Tuesday, March 5 at 12pm
  • Key topics: Beer, 1% for the Planet, community partnership
  •  Zoom JOIN Link or Meeting ID 846 9937 5031 and Passcode 404270

Volunteer News

Meg Riestenberg, CREW Volunteer, has a connection with the artist presenting the art exhibit mentioned above. She thought volunteers may find the exhibit of interest and may want to check it out!

Coming Up in the Next Volunteer Update

We have several departments that will have additional volunteer opportunities for the 2024 season. Make sure you take a look at the next Update for additional information.

We will also have a Save the Date for all the 2024 Events in need of volunteers! Make sure you have your calendars ready!